Thursday, 25 June 2015

Planning ahead can be fun.

Could not resist knitting up this lovely colour even if I am in the middle of other projects. The neck warmer looks so cosy and warm I did a slouchy hat to match. The pattern looks harder than it is to do, the rib pattern for the back of the neck warmer matches well and would make a lovely scarf if knitted longer.
Plenty of time to get those needles clicking for the fall weather, if like me you have a pile of projects stacking up it is good to have patterns sorted ready to do.
Always happy when I am Knitting.
Warm and cosy cowl
Matching slouchy for your cosy cowl neck

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Pretty Pink baby hat update

Another busy weekend has come and gone, where do the hours go!

Thank you everyone who has downloaded my free pattern and for the lovely comments you have sent. As requested by some I have updated the pattern (so much brighter now) and added my BlogSpot address and Craftsy shop.
Baby Pink Hat

Have fun keep knitting

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Fun day

Had a really great day today being shown some new technics on the computer. Thank you to my lovely friend.
So I have played around with my new skills ! and  updated my Springtime Lemon baby hat to add another size.
While I added the size I also updated the layout so it looks so much nicer.
Springtime baby beanie

Friday, 5 June 2015

They call it Flaming June

Well here we are into June when the weather is coming warmer and sunnier they say. June is the month they call flaming June, as all the roses come out in full bloom and the garden starts showing all kinds of colour
That got me diving into my wool stash looking for some bright cheerful colours and away I go knitting up some lovely little designs.

Here is the start of  my ideas, have not decided on the buttons yet, should I put white ones on or Peach, decisions decisions.
Well this is the start of my bright June knits do pop by from time to time and say hello.
Always happy when I am knitting
Finally got the buttons for the little cardigan, decided on a very pastel clear peach colour and I must say it does look cute finished.
While I was looking out some colours I come across some lovely odd bits of yarn just waiting to be knitted up into something cool, so I shall be getting my thinking cap on to see what inspires me to use some of the yarn.
Always happy when I am knitting
 Decided to use up some odd yarn and added to my Stars and Stripes collection nice and bright so fits in with the June colours