Been a very busy month with family and friends, which is what life is all about enjoying your days. Knitting of course is always the icing on the cake, but don't tell Hubby that he thinks he is !!
April was productive on finishing projects that have been a round for a while, only managed half, but hay half done not half left is what counts. Here is a few of the finished pieces.
Finished this one, buttons to be added then it is being gifted to a beautiful little girl. Gorgeous colour for summer.
I managed to get this one done beginning of the month, it is the second one in this colour lilac, it is so sweet. I love it.

My friend sent me this photo of what has just come off her needles. I think it is gorgeous and going to look beautiful on her grand daughter. It is my summer Bright cardigan pattern. Click the photo to see it in the Bright colour I knitted it in.